
Unbiased Critique and Addieup Evaluation from Canada

I went on snowboarding vacation to Colorado earlier this winter when I first fell in love with addieup. One of the kids at our resort was talking about it with some beautiful girls and although my interest in eavesdropping on his conversation was first because of the fact this dorky kid was talking to some beautiful girls, it soon switched over to addieup when I heard him bragging about how it helped him get up grades in a big way, that almost overnight he felt much more intelligent like in the movie limitless (I hadn’t see the movie at the time, but now that I have I enjoy the comparison albeit an obvious exaggeration)

I decided to try them out and was only worried that I wouldn’t be able to find them in stores in time and that they wouldn’t be available in Canada. I wasn’t able to locate any and later on ask the same kid and he said to check them out online, I was leaving the resort soon so I figured id just order them once I got back home and pray they passed customs and didn’t have any banned or illegal ingredients.

The package took a little while after ordering, but I did eventually get my addie up into Canada (Toronto) and instantly fell in love with the product. The kid talking to the women at the resort was obviously exaggerating, and I knew better than to expect some kind of life altering drug, but it really did help me to be more present in whatever I was doing. I don’t know how to describe exactly, I guess that’s about the best way though, when you are doing something, you are more THERE rather than distracted by anything else that might be going on around you or thoughts in your head, its just you and what you are currently doing in a more intensely concentrated way.

Two thumbs up for this natural adhd otc product, definitely recommend to anyone that has a lot of white noise or clutter in their thinking and minds most of the time, it can help you to get much more done and appears to benefit overall health instead of being a risk to it like lots of other supplements.

Comparing profiderall vs addieup, addtabz, alpha brain

I have been testing out the “Nootropic” market for 2 years now after having a mild health scare with some more serious supplements and prescriptions that I was acquiring illegally. I find that I am only able to really perform up to my best and stay happy and focused on a task when I am extremely hyper or extremely over tired. Obviously there are some serious disadvantages to living you life in an exhausted over tired state, so I have constantly my entire life have been addicted to being hyper and ingesting stimulants. Like I said this eventually led to a health scare and I started searching for a more natural approach to improving focus, concentration and attentiveness.

Nootropics or smart drugs are compounds that have been show to increase and heal mental functinos within your body. I have gone through all the various popular products in the nootropic market promoting itself as concentration/focus/alertness/mental relaxation and although I have not found anything that I would stick with there were a few products that would probably be game changers for less messed up people than myselves.

The main products I have tried are Addtabz, Alpha Brain, Profiderall and Addieup.. all these products seemed to have their advantages and disadvantages and unique feels, but I would have to say that Addtabz and Addieup were my favorites. Alpha Brain was super hyped with celebrity endorsement but offered nothing special, and as other profiderall reviews have noted, there are some side effects like headaches, irritibilty and sleeplessness that made it more annoying than beneficial at times.

Anyways Im going to keep looing for that perfect product for myself, but if you have been considering nootropic type of mental supplements, id say give it a go, effects are noticed although they do vary greatly and can be expensive for many as well if you don’t have lots of money to invest.

Review of Addie Up for energy, concentration & focus

Works great for alertness and attention span
Rating: 4.35 out of 5 by Ray Wilson on August 14 2012

Review of Addieup

Addieup energy enhancer

I ordered myself up some Addieup energy pills after hearing that they had a ton of ingredients that helped you to stay more energized and focused on studying and boring work and reading. I have a really hard time getting and staying organized, especially whenever I am stressed out or feeling the pressure to stay on top of things and my textbooks.

Delivery and ordering was fairly straight forward, nothing positive or negative to report here as it was just like any other online purchase I had made. My sister had bought a relatively unknown acai berry weightless pill about a year ago and got slammed with an unexpected charge later on, but there is none of that scam type stuff with this company.
