natural vyvanse alternative

Reviewer: “Mild Over The Counter Vyvanse Substitute”

I have all the annoying symptoms of adult ADHD and have tried both the prescription medications Adderall and Vyvanse for the condition. First I tried Adderall but that gave me some pretty crazy side effects so the doctor put me on Vyvanse which I guess is pretty much the same thing although its converted in your body or something? I don’t really get it. Anyways Vyvanse gave me some unpleasant side effects so I told the doc I was going to look for an over the counter substitute or replacement herb or supplement (to which he kind of scoffed at lol)

I did a bit of research and found out lots about nootropics or ‘Smart Drugs” Nootropics seemed like they could fit the bill as a natural Adderall/Vyvanse substitute -so I decided to research some of the best ones. Also doing my research it seems that a stimulant is very important for minimizing the ADHD like stimulants (makes sense why the prescription medications are hardcore amphetamines now)


Natural Vyvanse Substitute Addieup | Alternative Lisdexamfetamine supplement

otc vyvanse supplement Lots of people have been looking for a more natural alternative to Vyvanse, and while the two products are very different, lots of people have been using addieup as a safe, legal and over the counter substitute supplement, with similar to Vyvanse benefits.

What is Vyvanse / Lisdeamfetamine?

Vyvanse is a central nervous system stimulant that was designed to help people suffering from Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. It is similar in effect to other stimulant based ADHD medications like Ritalin and Adderall but is a newer to the market. It is a once daily medication with 20mg, 30mg, 40mg, 50mg,60mg and 70mg dosage sizes.

Click Here To learn more about how Vyvanse works, availability, etc…

What are the negatives and downsides to Vyvanse?

Being an amphetamine based stimulant, Vyvanse / Lisdeamfetamine has potentially serious health and legal problems. It is an illegal controlled substance, and you will need a doctors prescription to get your hands on it. Various cardiovascular side effects are warned of, as well as the hiegihtened potential for addiction, abuse, dependency. Many users report dangerous and extreme withdrawl and side effects from this medication, so make sure to consult with your doctor before even considering altering your dosage or quitting, negative side effects could be extreme. There are a wide range of serious drug interaction, so please check with your doctor before trying Vyvanse, there are many potentially dangerous effects.

Common side effects include but are not limited to:

  • anxiety
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • dry mouth
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • trouble sleeping
  • upper stomach pain
  • vomiting
  • weight loss

Why Addieup as a natural supplement similar to Vyvanse

Why it is not quite as strong as Vyvanse, Addieup provides a safe, sustainable and non-prescription option to people looking for relief from ADHD symptoms or just for generally increased well-being, productivity or help with mental functioning. User Addieup reviews report greatly increased work and study ability and a host of lifestyle benefits both direct and indirect from using this product.

Where to buy Addieup & Customer Reviews

See the link below for help locating today’s cheapest and best prices and where to find Addieup online and in stores at the best absolute deal. You will also be able to learn more about its ingredients, read user addieup reviews and get all the information you need on this over the counter Vyvanse alternative.