Natural AddieUp OTC Adderall alternative Review from Canada Customer

They need this OTC pill locally in Canada stores
Rating: 4.7 out of 5 by Jon Ferland on November 1 2012Addieup

I have diagnosed adult ADHD and have tried every single natural, herbal, homeopathic, prescription, lifestyle change, etc. under the moon to try and get it under control and have a normal healthy and productive life. Nothing really worked and the closest I got to being completely normal was when I was taking Adderall XR. Now this drug is horrible for a lot of people and for lots of reasons. It is basically meth or speed, with 4 different amphetamine salts mixed together. It does work wonders for concentration and focus, but really is hurting your body in a very unnatural way.

My doctor mentioned the over the counter alertness and concentration booster ADDIEUP as a blend of a bunch of natural and over the counter ingredients when I said I was really worried about my reliance and seeming addiction to the narcotics and medications. He helped me taper off and get off the strong stuff without serious side effects or withdrawal symptoms and along with a huge change in diet and exercise I started to feel a little bit better about life without the strong pills. I ordered addie up eventually and started taking it.

It has been a great help for me, I had been on the other stuff for so long that my mind and habits didn’t seem to want to function without it. I was lazy, disorganized and getting depressed and tired very quickly. Addieup seems to give me the boost I needed while I reorganized and reinvented my life.

If you are similar to me I would definitely check it out. MAKE SURE TO CHECK with your doctor! Getting off Adderall and other similar things is a tricky and dangerous feat for most, and addieup might not be for you. I don’t want people to just rush out there a buy addieup online because it worked for me; you need to be talking with a qualified professional for supplements of this strength and intent!

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