“Great Nootropic Stack” Consumer Addtabz Critique

customer addtabz critique I have been what you could call a performance junkie my entire life, and have long been a fan of finding the most productive mental supplement to help me along my goals. I have worked at supplement stores, joined message board and done research diligently to get to know the products. While I don’t take too many sups or pills now due to have a great diet and low cash.

One particular area that I am fascinated with is brain fitness, Nootropics and mental enhancing drugsā€¦ Or smart drugs if you will. I love the idea of enhancing and bringing out the potential of the human mind. I have done thorough research on all the different racetams and nootropic supplements out there and have even attempted to make my own ‘stacks’ as they call it mixing and matching different smart drugs at different dosages trying to get the best results.

I decided to buy Gentech Pharmaceutical’s mental energy pills after reading that the formula was good and getting bored trying to make my own perfect stack. I liked the convenience factor of only having to take a couple of pills after messing around with bulk powders so long. I really do like the product. There is a noticed mental boost and the price while not as cheap as attempting to make your own unique blend with bulk powders, is at least scientifically proven and there are tons of other happy addtabz reviewers out there that can testify to the potency of Gentech’s formula over my own.

I had no negative side effects as some strong products come with like the jitters or sleeplessness (although I was smart to plan my dosages much before bed) A good overall product and a must try if you are a nootropic and brain performance fanatic like myself.

Good clean side effect free attention
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Visitor: Jim Slater on
January 10 2013

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